
Hadhrat Moulana Dr Hafez Tanveer Ahmed Khan Sahib

Rahmatullahi Alayh

The purpose and aim of this website is to bring to the fore an introduction into the Blessed Personality of Hadhrat Moulana Dr Hafez Tanveer Ahmed Khan Sahib r.a., His Blessed life and Works to serve as a means of Islamic and Spiritual benefit by the Grace of Allah Almighty.

Hadhrat r.a. Heralds from a Saintly and Noble family. His Person was full of immense Piety and God Fear, truly a Fountain of Islamic and Spiritual knowledge, Hadhrat r.a. was a living glimpse of the dying age of Scholars and Mashaikh a.r. from the last century of the Indian sub continent. Allah Almighty bestowed Hadhrat r.a. the Great privilege and Honour of being a Student/Mureed of Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ashraf Ali Thanwi Sahib and Khaleefah e Khaas of Moulana Shah Maseehullah Khan Sahib Jalalabadi a.r.

Hadhrat r.a. was in many ways was an Embodiment of Qur’an and Sunnah, not solely amongst the kabaair/major observances but in reality the finer details of Sunnah were found in Hazrat r.a. in abundance, Hazrat was known amongst the Elders as “Hafez Sahib” He was a Scholar, a Kaamil and Accomplished Sheikh of Tariqat/Sulook/Tasawuf in the four predominant orders (Chisti, Qadri, Naqshbandi, Soharwardi). Hadhrats worldly profession was that of a Homeopathic Doctor which He had been Practising for some 50+ years and benefited many through his practice by the Grace of Allah Ta’ala, often giving free treatment to the less fortunate of society. Throughout Hadhrat r.a. life he supported many among the poor and needy and seldom did people know the extent of the kindness he afforded to others.

Amongst His Students many are well learned and respected Ulema and Sullaha as well as from being amongst the general Muslims.

Alhamdulillah up to the age of 95 approximately Hadhrat r.a. was still travelling parts of the world parting much Islamic and Spiritual benefit by the Grace of Allah Ta’ala.

A more detailed depiction of Hadhrat Dr Hafez Tanveer Ahmed Khan Sahib r.a. life can be read under the About section of the website.

We humbly request your Duaas that Allah Ta’ala make this a sincere effort in parting Islamic and Spiritual benefit for many and to serve as a means of Sadaqah Jaariyah for Hadhrat Dr Hafez Tanveer Ahmed Khan Sahib r.a.

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